Community Links to Senior Organizations & Associations AARP - The American Association of Retired Persons is the nation's leading organization for people 50 and older. Alzheimer's Association - The Alzheimer's Association is the largest national voluntary health organization supporting Alzheimer's research and care. On this site, you'll find information about the disease, our programs and services, and our advocacy efforts. American Academy of Ophthalmology American Cancer Society American Diabetes Association American Heart Association American Lung Association American Parkinson's Disease Association American Red Cross Arthritis Foundation Brain Injury Association of America Caregiver Action Network (CAN) Kidney & Urology Foundation of America, Inc. Mesothelioma Treatment Centers The Mesothelioma Prognosis National Stroke Association - Reducing the Incidence & Impact of Stroke. Confronting Pancreatic Cancer, has a database which is the largest compilation of clinical trials against pancreatic cancer in the world, comprised of almost 370 trials in more than 1,000 locations throughout the world, more than five times larger than NCI's PDQ database. Pancreatica is available for patient or physician study and review and receives no remuneration if patients join any of the trials. Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) Savvy Senior - A question-and-answer weekly newspaper column that channels useful information and valuable resources to the growing senior population and the families who support them. Senior Planet - Aging with attitude. Senior Planet, powered by OATS (Older Adults Technology Services), harnesses technology to change the way we age. Our courses, programs, and activities help seniors learn new skills, save money, get in shape, and make new friends. Senior Shape - Montgomery County Recreation partners with Suburban Hospital to offer Senior Shape, a low-cost, certified instructor-led, exercise program. Active Adult 55+ Programs: Fitness, games, lectures, parties, entertainment, sports, and many other programs and classes are available. Senior Services Senior Programs within the Department of Health and Human Services. Montgomery County Senior Site - Senior Services from Health and Human Services: such as Caregiver support, Senior Transportation - Montgomery County, MD - CAR is a free information & referral service that helps adults over 50 and adults with disabilities find transportation for medical services, errands, social activities. Transportation Services for Older Adults & Persons with Disabilities - Seniors and Persons with Disabilities ride free on Ride On and Metro buses in Montgomery County during these times: Monday - Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Social Services - Montgomery County, MD - Find out about senior services available in your community. If in doubt, call us! Senior Centers - Department of Recreation - Montgomery County - Our seven Senior Centers are full-service facilities providing a wide range of programs, services, and activities that are open five to six days a week. Thrive at Home - Check out these fun and useful websites. Asian American Health Initiative (AAHI) Community Outreach and Health Education Assistance Completing Department of Health and Human Services Forms or Applications City of Rockville Senior Center Connect-A-Ride Senior Transportation Programs and Services Elder or Senior Care Locator Nationwide Employment Resources for People 50 Years and Older Grocery Delivery Services In Home Mental Health Services for Seniors Vision Center - We provide medically accurate content for all things vision. Learn about eye conditions and vision correction practices. Explore treatment options today. Senior Sneaker Program - Montgomery County Recreation’s popular Senior Sneaker Program gives adults age 55+ access to 19 quality exercise/weight rooms across the County for a very affordable $50 annual membership fee. The Positive Aging Sourcebook provides a great database of resources for Older Adults including housing options. Voice Your Choice, a program of Nexus Montgomery, is a community-based program led by JSSA that promotes advance care planning through training, education, and public awareness. The Beacon Newspapers - The Beacon’s award-winning content covers health, financial, technology, housing, travel and arts topics, as well as local events and feature stories HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES COMMISSION STATE HEALTH INSURANCE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM