CommitteesCommittees are one of the best ways for members to increase their networking capacity. Volunteers are the heart of GROWS, and the following committees do the work of keeping GROWS a vital and active organization. Each committee meets once a month as needed. All members are welcome to try out a committee and see how it fits for you. Check out our calendar for the next meeting dates and times. To learn more about our committees please call or email us! Program CommitteeOverall responsibility is to initiate membership programs that reflect our mission of networking, advocacy, and education. There are two subcommittees on this committee. - Education subcommittee collaborates to select, schedule, and implement six educational programs per year. Committee members participate as indicated. - Event subcommittee collaborates to plan, schedule, and implement monthly networking happy hours, two networking extravaganzas, and one major fundraiser (silent Auction/ Gala). Participates as indicated. Advocacy CommitteeOverall responsibility is to represent GROWS on the Commission on Aging. The committee represents GROWS at the Commission on Aging, Health and Wellness, and Public Policy and county meetings. Committee communicates back to GROWS Board and membership during monthly membership meetings. Coordinates and participates in initiatives as appropriate. Outreach and Development (Membership) CommitteeOverall responsibility is to oversee branding and integrity of the GROWS membership. This committee collaborates to communicate with members, recruit new members, retaining membership, social media, member surveys, host a members only luncheon, and hold a membership drive. This committee will form partnerships with county organizations to promote wellbeing of seniors in the county. The committee Coordinates and participates in county initiatives (Villages, DFA, vitality network). |